About Ana
I am a 25-year-old graduate student at the University of Houston. I also work at the university in their Campus Recreation department. I started powerlifting in June 2012 to become a faster runner but became obsessed with getting stronger and chasing numbers. My favorite color is purple and favorite cheat meal is pizza.
PR’s & Competition History: My best lifts are 370/232/435. I’ve done so many meets that I lost count! In 2013-2014 I did several APF meets then started with USPA June 2014 and have competed with USPA ever since.
Team Expectations: I’m looking forward to becoming a member of the RPS community and the support system that comes with it.
Favorite Lift: I don’t have a favorite lift. I feel like this changes every couple of months depending on which lift is going well right now it’s deadlifts.
Memorial Moment: My most memorable moment in powerlifting has to be competing in the expo in 2016 was my favorite meet because I just remember having fun and PRing most of my lifts then.
Other Interest: When I’m not powerlifting, I like to binge watch shows. It’s my favorite hobby if that counts.
Inspirations & Influences: My first powerlifting inspiration was Susan Salazar. She was the first powerlifter that I learned about and when I started my powerlifting journey I was in the 132 class so it was more of a reason to look up to her. Since then there have been so many strong women I’ve been able to look up to like Nicole Gonzalez, Stacy Burr, Barbara Lee, Kimberly Walford, and Jennifer Thompson.
Favorite Quote: “you’ve got nothing to lose” and “how bad do you want it”